Note that I no longer have an x86 machine with wireless and no x86 machine that can boot from usb drive.
Today, I visited a friend who does. The only issue that I can see is that tc-install does not provide an xterm.
Since aterm was removed from the base, it is imperative that an xterm be available.
The failure that is being reported is caused by the fact that an xterm (aterm) is used by the GUI when downloading apps.
It is used as the visual progress meter. Without such apps gui fails immediately.
The simple work around is to exit from X desktop to prompt then:
$ tce-load -iw aterm.tcz
After OK then type
$ startx
System functions as expected including wireless, wired, and 915 resolution all tested OK.
xterm (aterm) was the only issue that I could find.
This is easily fixed for the next rc.