Need an Introduction to Tiny Core? Or peruse Core Concepts.
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... Try rxvt, vte, lxterminal, genome-terminal ... etc. ...
... This isn't molecular biology.
True, but not everyone who reads that post in the futuremay be aware of gnome.
... a person would be aware of TCL (at least enough to be reading this thread) and unaware of gnome? ...
I'm trying to install Tinycore but I'm having some problems. I'm coming fromWindows and want to turn an old machine into a jukebox.
Noobie here...........first post. Trying to become more comfortable using Linux, but still at a rudimentary level of understanding.
Color 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 256 8 bit 769 771 773 775 32000 15 bit 784 787 790 793 65000 16 bit 785 788 791 794 16.7M 24 bit 786 789 792 795
[code][ 36.176529] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supply 'AVDD': -517[ 36.176536] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supplies: -517[ 36.191753] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supply 'AVDD': -517[/code]
[ 36.176529] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supply 'AVDD': -517[ 36.176536] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supplies: -517[ 36.191753] pcm512x 1-004d: Failed to get supply 'AVDD': -517
tce-load -wi graphics-KERNEL Xorg-7.7
tce-load -wi firmware-radeon