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Gecko - netbook for tinycore

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kerpob: … r_embedded

The Gecko is a netbook powered by AA batteries. It doesn't need to have a hard-drive; you can insert an SD card in it instead.

Specs are:

CPU     1GHz Xcore86 Device on Chip™
Graphics     Integrated Graphics Chip
Memory     256MB / 512MB / 1GB DDR2
Display     8.9" WSVGA 1024 x 600 resolution TFT LCD screen with LED
HDD     SD Card or IDE Flash Disk
Audio     Line-out, Mic-in, Internal Mic, Internal stereo speakers
Ethernet     Built in 10/100 Base-T
USB 2.0 ports      External : 3 ports, Inernal : 1 port (reserved for WIFI, GPRS,
CDMA, 3G or 3.5G USB dongles)
I/O     D-sub 15 pin VGA out, integrated SD card reader, touch pad
Power / Battery      Rechargeable AA Battery - NiMH 8 pcs (4 hours max) or
Li+3S (4 hours max) or Li+3S2P (6 hours max)
OS   Windows XP or Linux

Now with 1 gig RAM and tinycore on the SD booting to RAM, wouldn't this be just lovely.

Alternatively - have no SD and only ever boot from a USB stick for a totally secure laptop that never has any data stored on it!!!

Price is circa US$200 when released next month. Obviously costs more if you want windows XP rather than linux (ubuntu netbook remix is what it will come shipped with). I am severely tempted to replace my eee 701 with this.

That YouTube link has changed content....

I found one by NorhTec for about $300 w/o the Hard Drive, using  Linpus Linux Lite OS (whatever that is..). Probably nice if you need a portable laptop with a  7" monitor.  Personally, I'd rather pay $150 for a used laptop with HD, 512MB RAM, and 12" screen.  Next size down for me is my cell phone.

The only thing I tend to watch out for in these netbooks is the keyboard.  I'm happy with the size of my AA1's keyboard but my wife's ASUS 701 has a ridiculously tiny keyboard.  It's okay for a two-fingered typist but since I touch type at 70+ words per minute it was unworkable for me.

What's SD card, you meant SSD??

i was about to buy one, and probably will do so; you can have the gecko barbones for 150$ (postal costs not included); it has a SD card (not SSD hard drive). Battery life with AA battery is about 3 hours. Keyboard seems to be larger than the one of the asus (probably near the one of the AAO with which you can type quiet well). what is interesting with the gecko is the energy efficiency: 6.5 watt/hour and the easy replacement of modules and battery. a winner for folks using tc or any small linux distro imo


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