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Author Topic: SQLAlchemy  (Read 2292 times)

Offline Jason W

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« on: May 17, 2009, 08:50:56 PM »
Thanks to Kingdomcome for SQLAlchemy:

Code: [Select]
Title: SQLAlchemy.tce
Description: SQLAlchemy              (TESTING)
Version: 0.5.3
Author: Michael Bayer
Original-site: http://www.sqlalchemy.org
Copying-policy: MIT
Size: 888.0K
Extension_by: Kingdomcome
Comments: Python SQL toolkit
Supports most popular SQL databases
Requires python.tcel and your favorite database with driver
ie: SQLite3.tcel and pysqlite2.tcel

This extension is PPI compatible
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/05/16 First Version

Code: [Select]
Title: SQLAlchemy.tcz
Description: SQLAlchemy              (TESTING)
Version: 0.5.3
Author: Michael Bayer
Original-site: http://www.sqlalchemy.org
Copying-policy: MIT
Size: 1.2M
Extension_by: Kingdomcome
Comments: Python SQL toolkit
Supports most popular SQL databases
Requires python.tcel and your favorite database with driver
ie: SQLite3.tcel and pysqlite2.tcel
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/05/16 First Version