Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Boot sequence for browser kiosk based on TinyCore-current
Would you consider posting your build details? I've never used Tiny Core but am investigating it for use in a web kiosk generating website I want to build for non-technical users (info here: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1iclud/help_with_linuxbased_web_kiosk/.)
Hi all!
@kzpm: As much as you try to let things simple and pretty to the end user, the size of the iso and the applications will grow more and more... And for some reasons you will end up using a wm too. The more simple way to do what I do in LeafWeb is the how-to described in the CoreBook pdf avaiable here in the forum. I reccomend you to check it out.
@godzilla8nj: you can read the CoreBook chapter about webKiosk, I think it will be helpful to you as a starting point.
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