Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 4 Testing

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--- Quote from: gerald_clark on July 21, 2013, 06:33:26 PM ---It's not missing on my system.

--- End quote ---
I can see that it is hard to believe, as it is something rather obvious when all "/usr/lib/*.so" files are missing from such an important TCZ file. Nevertheless I've redone my tests with QEMU (e.g. v0.11.1), VirtualBox (e.g. v4.2.16) and used the "7-Zip File Manager" (all on a Win7 x64 host) to browse the ISO and the contained 'Xlib.tcz' file. But as my earlier observation still stands, I can only conclude that I've got some faulty downloads.

For comparison here are my MD5 checksums for the ISO files in question:
--- Code: ---bd218f13d8dfd7ff87272a5073b9189c  TinyCore-5.0.alpha2.iso
5f0926ba84620d1f3f739b99a128c034  TinyCore-5.0.alpha3.iso
b8644951f99c7fc87604f36b586afac7  TinyCore-5.0.alpha4.iso
--- End code ---
with the first one containing a 'Xlib.tcz' (i.e. 'f1d1507e66a1c5ad6f7ac17c4776f779') that still contains the shared libraries in question, and the two latter ones containing a 'Xlib.tcz' (i.e. 'c66b89774b6ba0071fc3f4b9551f075c') where those file have "vanished".

I did not use the TinyCore ISO, but used tce-load from a core install.  Try a tce-update.

My virtual box systems (4 at last count with TC-5) have no issues.   I follow the technique advised earlier, apps browser to remove all X extensions, then reboot to command line and use tce-ab to install Xorg which loads all required dep's.  on reboot the system boots normally into X

This procedure works when updating  from the old Xvesa to latest Xorg-7.7 on virtual box systems and with real hardware

I'm not interested in Xorg. One (if not my main) reason for using TC is that I can quickly boot into a small (!!) live system (typically using a VM). IMHO it is crucial that 'Xvesa' continues as the default (or at least the initial) X11 server.

Interesting and i can sympathize with your objective,  meanwhile core + xvesa + additional ext's still functions right? Or at least did for me until updating to Xorg, I think the choice is yours

Am interested to see the official response for this scenario.  Maybe I should try booting a clean system without Xorg ??


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