dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
A10 boot files
Perhaps perusing Marsboard specific sites would be helpful as Arduino, electronic prototyping, is beyond the scope or intent of Core.
OK. I think I now have the boot process down pat, thank you. I have followed forums on a number of other sites as well to cover off my knowledge.
I see your comments regarding mkimage and fex2bin, etc. I found mkimage in the u-boot tools tcz but I cannot find any package that provides bin2fex / fex2bin.
Q1. Is there a tool chain tcz that contains the files I need (that I just haven't found) or do I have to get it from somewhere else?
Q2. Is there a good "user guide" to these programs?
I am determined to work through this so I can "roll my own" system rather than bothering someone else all the time.
fexc aka bin2fex fex2bin can be found here.
There is no user guide that I am aware of.
I have created my own script to create bootable sdcard images via a selection of the supported board types that I have compiled u-boot.
Thanks, I'll play later today.
I need a Masrsbord [a10Core.img.gz] image with GPIO & SPI enabled.
I used [linux-sunxi-g2d.zip] as <linux-sunxi> directory at <Sunxi-Bsp> (downloaded from github) root and compiled all of them with [make] after setting Ugly GPIO & SPI with [make linux-config] application.
But after making [a10_mid_hwpack.tar.xz] at <output> I can not transfer [a10Core-20130712.img.gz] and [a10_mid_hwpack.tar.xz]
with the following command:
$sudo sh ./scripts/sunxi-media-create.sh /dev/sda ./output/a10_mid_1gb_hwpack.tar.xz ../a10Core-20130712.img.gz
to SD card for the following reasons:
1- The current core does not support [tar v1.22] for *.tar.xz !
2- The [sunxi-media-create.sh] script file does not support *.img.gz for image transferring of current core!
3- After importing [dosfstools] for [mkfs.vfat] , this command makes "/dev/sda: path not found " error when run from script file but its correct when run from command promt!
How can I enable GPIO and SPI for current core image? please help me about these problems.
Thank you.
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