dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore Armv7
Screen icons under dCore 5
I need to create screen icons that run .sh scripts for programs like rdesktop that need to be passed a complicated string of options. Running them as scripts in a terminal session certainly works but an icon would be really helpful.
Any pointers on where to start please.
You may want to pick a small sce, e.g., wifi.sce and "look inside".
The procedure is the same as a tcz.
unsquashfs -d wifi /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/sce/wifi.sce
The peruse the directories under wifi/
There you will see a wifi.sh script and icon.
To repack use mksquashfs:
mksquashfs wifi wifi.sce
Thanks. I'll do that after dinner tonight.
I unssquashed wifi.sce and can see the desktop script entry under the ..share/applications directory but when I unsquash rdesktop.sce it does not have an applications directory and after a good search through I can't work out where to put the the desktop script. The ICON is ok because there is a pixmaps directory.
I imported GIMP to create the icon myself (sorry, a little bit boastful, but I need to take them (kudos) where I can get them).
Hi athouston
Have you checked the Wiki? There are a couple of entries there about setting up icons.
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