Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 3 Testing
--- Quote from: bmarkus on July 15, 2013, 01:27:19 AM ---Read WIKI article
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Thanks, I am still reading from http://www.x.org/releases/current/doc/man/man5/xorg.conf.5.xhtml
"If hotplugging (evdev) is enabled, InputDevice sections using the mouse, kbd and vmmouse driver will be ignored"
the new X server 1.4 uses udev input device discovery and xorg.conf Section "InputClass" configuration.
Setting keyboard layout without hot-plugging (deprecated) has used Section "InputDevice"
The X server essentially treats the collection of configuration files /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/*.conf as one big file, with entries from /etc/X11/xorg.conf at the end. sample 10-evdev.conf should be in the likely /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory, which manages the keyboard, the mouse, the touchpad and the touchscreen.
About the Synaptics driver: it supports on the fly configuration, like this:
$ synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 HorizEdgeScroll=1 HorizTwoFingerScroll=1 VertTwoFingerScroll=1
you could make these changes permanent by adding them to somthing like /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
the Synaptics real-time detection options:
$ synclient -l | awk '/=/{printf "Option \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",$1,$3}'
If I will not manage, then maybe I will set some enviroment variable, simlinks, or just remaster...
Submitted Realtek wireless rtl8192/8188cu USB 802.11n driver based on Realtek official driver v3.4.3.x for kernel-3.8.10
Tested with RTL8188cu wireless n USB adapter, has built in firmware so need only these two extensions for a fast and stable wifi connection:
wifi.tcz (plus deps, see note)
note: wireless--tinycore.tcz dependency needs to be deleted from the wireless-tools.tcz.dep list (which is a dep of wifi.tcz) for this driver to work, also if installed wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz extension must be removed from the onboot list. Actually I can't see a reason to have it installed along side this driver at all.
The wireless-tools.tcz and dep list needs updating to wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz (dep list currently includes wireless-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz)
I'm not sure what is best but the in-tree rtl8192cu.ko driver is defective and has no reason to be included in wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz besides it conflicts with this good working driver..?? and had trouble blacklisting it
Is there a requirement I'm not aware of why wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz is included in wireless-tools.tcz.dep list, considering the corresponding firmware files are not included. iwconfig works without this so why keep wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz in the wireless-tools.tcz.dep list? could be maybe I'm missing something?
--- Quote from: tinypoodle on July 15, 2013, 06:08:53 AM ---Any chance for http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/R8187SE.html once you're at it? ;)
(That one is in /staging since a very long time)
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sure I can investigate, I'll put it on the list along with r8712u :)
Does the rtl8187.ko driver in wireless-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz function ? Or is it defective like the 8192cu?
I'm unaware of anything defective, but note that r8187se differs from rt8187.
This one ?
module r8187se "RealTek RTL8187SE Wireless LAN NIC driver" : drivers/staging/rtl8187se
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