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Author Topic: uENV.txt  (Read 8094 times)

Offline MapHtH

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« on: June 19, 2013, 01:01:11 PM »
Can I use the same bootcodes here?

I'd like to add this:

I've tested host=box2 and it does work but would like to confirm that other commands also work.

Offline hlavery

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 06:02:14 PM »
I can confirm that tz= and tce= work, the others probably work too.

Offline MapHtH

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2013, 06:36:57 PM »

I've checked and home, restore and opt also work.

But now I'm having wierd problems because every now and then when the board is powered off or rebooted it doesn't pick up uEnv.txt bootcodes and boots int standard settings.

I tried adding waitusb in every rendition of it but that makes ignore the other bootcodes and bootlocal.sh completely for some reason (because it seems to ignore the sd card as a tce, home, opt and restore holder).

Any thoughts?

Offline hlavery

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2013, 08:23:54 PM »
Perhaps there is a syntax issue:  I believe the correct form is tce=sda1 not tce=/mnt/sda1. I suppose the board might be trying to wait for /mnt/, which might not be available as fast as hoped.  Of course, the A10 SOC seem to have a botched boot every once in awhile on every distro I've tried....

I have recently started to put the persistent stuff on NAND partition nandk (tce=nandk, as nandk has a bit over 2G of capacity), since once the SD card boots it is no longer needed and the card can be removed (for safekeeping, or to use the slot for incoming data).  It is also faster (no waitusb=>?).

Offline roberts

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 01:32:25 AM »
Yes the usual boot codes work as expected and you can use some free nand. Your nand partitions may vary per board so check for free space first. Do not prefix with /mnt.

You might need/want to use the waitusb code option to ensure drives are mounted and available. I have been using tce=nandg for tce directory.

Note also if you board supports SATA that it works as well. Currently my extensions are loaded from a SATA SSD drive.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline MapHtH

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 06:17:07 AM »
Actually, I was using the right syntax, I accidentally wrote it wrong here.

Anyway, here's my config:
Code: [Select]
extraargs=disp.screen0_output_mode=EDID:1680x1050p60 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 nozswap nortc host=WebServer restore=mmcblk0p2 home=mmcblk0p2 tce=mmcblk0p2 opt=mmcblk0p2

If I add anything here it will boot with default Tiny Core settings and won't use any of mine.

Also, how to change the resolution to 1680x1050 because my setting seems not to work. The picture is cropped out and the monitor doesn't always show the picture, so I'm guessing that it's using 1080p instead of 1680x1050.

Moreover, if anyone is interested, I built a standalone lighttpd 1.4.32 + PHP 5.4.16 with all the libs they need (at least I think so, someone could test this more thorougly, it suits my needs so I didn't) and packed it in a tcz. Because it's somewhere between a scm and a tcz, I guess I can't submit it to the official repo. I wasn't sattisfied with BerryWebServer from berryboot so I built my own.

Offline hlavery

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Re: uENV.txt
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 12:29:24 PM »
Perhaps set up home:and the rest with UUID?