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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Xvesa and keyboard  (Read 2196 times)

Offline paskali

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[SOLVED] Xvesa and keyboard
« on: June 11, 2013, 06:29:12 AM »
Hi all, i have a small question about my keyboard, it is simple:

any time, for example when i am editing code or writing (as now) on a forum or i am writing a simple document with Abiword, in rare case i notice the presence of strange garbage letters or numbers on my prompt, especially if i use arrow keys. I have never noticed this with Windows as well as in console text mode, therefore, i think this is a problem with Xvesa.

I have tried with '-kb' option but i have not solved the problem.

May be the problem is my keyboard, but i think (and i hope) it isn't.

Any suggestion with Xvesa keyboard settings?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 09:18:52 AM by paskali »

Offline paskali

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Re: Xvesa and keyboard
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 09:04:34 AM »
However now i remember that a similar issue i never have seen on previous versions of tc and so, if Xvesa is the same version, i think Xvesa is not the problem.
It should be, leave out my keyboard, the newer kernels or the possible newer versions of xmodmap that i load with .mouse_config script.
The problem comes especialy with right and left arrow keys, they show 6(right) and 4(left).
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 09:10:03 AM by paskali »

Offline paskali

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Re: [SOLVED] Xvesa and keyboard
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 09:25:10 AM »
All friends thanks, i can always be sure of your ready help.

However i have solved by myself.

I do not use num lock and num pad so i have disabled it with xmodmap:

Code: [Select]
xmodmap -pke | grep KP > .num_pad

xmodmap -pke | grep Num_Lock >> .num_pad

then i have edit the .num_pad text file and put equal to NULL the relative
keycodes (these are on my computer, may be different values in other case):

Code: [Select]
keycode  63 =
keycode  79 =
keycode  80 =
keycode  81 =
keycode  82 =
keycode  83 =
keycode  84 =
keycode  85 =
keycode  86 =
keycode  87 =
keycode  88 =
keycode  89 =
keycode  90 =
keycode  91 =
keycode 104 =
keycode 106 =
keycode 126 =
keycode  77 =

then i have append this command:

Code: [Select]
xmodmap $HOME/.num_pad
on my local .xsession script.

This resolve some issues very common with Xvesa and some laptop/notebook keyboards.