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Need help with minidwep-gtk

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Since there is no minidwep extension in the tinycorelinux extension repository I assumed you were running mindwep from an iso or deb.

If you extract the minidwep iso/deb in tinycore and then run it from a terminal window, you should see error messages giving the missing dependencies.

Hi SakuKami
Is this what you are trying to run:
If it is, you need to copy it to the cde directory of the ISO and also add it to the onboot.lst file.

--- Quote ---How i can start minidwep from a terminal tce-load?
--- End quote ---
If you follow the above instructions, it should be loaded when you boot. Enter:

--- Code: ---minidwep-gtk
--- End code ---
in a terminal.

I will try thanks all :D!


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