dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

CubieBoard, Install to NAND

<< < (3/5) > >>

+1 interested!
well done!
Were you able to keep files in your nand or you had to delete everything to install the linux image?

Ok , fair enough, you already have been ignored when you asked for help,
and now you enjoy your victory silently ;) I know the feeling.

Anyway I read the info you have shown and it looks straightforward - I will give it a try. If i manage to do a linux install to nand (not necessarily tinycore) I will be happy.
Have you seen also there are ready to use linux images with nand install scripts?
take care

Actually, I've sent you both PM's.

There are a lot of images but there wasn't anything about tiny core and the one with cubian is only for cubian, not for a small distro like dcore.
The only thing that needed to be modified was boot.scr. When I actually used my head, I found out the solution  ;)

You can analyze what's in the script and you can install anything this way, not just tiny core.

However, like I wrote in the PM, you can't keep anything that's on NAND already, you need to back it up and restore it.
I will publish the script here if there is interest and if it isn't against the rules or something. Mods/Admins?

Hi MapHtH

--- Quote ---I will publish the script here if there is interest and if it isn't against the rules or something. Mods/Admins?
--- End quote ---
You can attach a script or place it between code tags.

Hi Rick

Here goes:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh

umount /mnt/nanda
umount /mnt/nandb

wget http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/armv7/Allwinner-A10/uImage
wget http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/armv7/Allwinner-A10/uCore

[ -f uEnv.txt ] && rm uEnv.txt
[ -f cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin ] && rm cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin
[ -f boot.scr ] && rm boot.scr
[ -f script.bin ] && rm script.bin

wget http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/armv7/Allwinner-A10/uEnv.txt
wget http://oldmenatplay.no-ip.biz/files/tinycore/cubie/cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin
wget http://oldmenatplay.no-ip.biz/files/tinycore/cubie/boot.scr
wget http://oldmenatplay.no-ip.biz/files/tinycore/cubie/script.bin

dd bs=4096 if=./cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin of=/dev/nand
sync; sleep 10
sudo rebuildfstab

mkfs.ext4 /dev/nandb
sync; sleep 10
sudo rebuildfstab

mount /dev/nandb
mkdir /mnt/nandb/boot
cp uImage uCore uEnv.txt script.bin boot.scr /mnt/nandb/boot/.
umount /mnt/nandb
--- End code ---

It ain't perfect but it works. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to advise :)

I'd like to thank the whole Tiny core team for making Tiny Core and helping me get into the world of Linux. Also, Roberts script helped me to make my own.


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