Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
[SOVLED] Saving log files ?
I have remastered microcore boot cd to include syslog bootcode, however If the system reboots, any helpful information that may have been in /var/log/messages is lost.
What is the best way to keep copies of this file that will survive a reboot ?
All comments and suggestions welcome.
Hi remus
You could start syslog in bootlocal instead of using the boot code. This will allow you to specify a persistent directory.
For more info:
--- Code: ---syslogd --help
--- End code ---
Thanks for input Rich,
I've achieved my goals with the following.
Added to /opt/bootlocal.sh
--- Code: ---sudo syslogd -O /mnt/sda1/messages
sudo klogd
--- End code ---
In case anyone else is interested, syslogd can be stopped with
sudo killall syslogd
I'm wondering if klogd and syslogd save output to the same file in microcore/tinycore ?
Yes, busybox klogd passes the kernel messages to syslogd.
Ahh, ok so klogd passes kernel messages to syslogd which in turn writes to the log file, thanks.
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