Title: zsnes.tce
Description: ZSNES is a Super Nintendo emulator.
Version: 151
Author: zsKnight and _Demo_
Original-site: http://www.zsnes.com/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 571KB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: Requires SDL.tcel. Choose Alsa or
OSS for sound.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/5/16 First version 151
Title: zsnes.tcz
Description: ZSNES is a Super Nintendo emulator.
Version: 151
Author: zsKnight and _Demo_
Original-site: http://www.zsnes.com/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 946KB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: Requires SDL.tcel. Choose Alsa or
OSS for sound.
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/5/16 First version 151