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[SOLVED] Require password for sudo command ?

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Hi all,

I'm looking into making my mc server a bit more secure, am and wondering if I can make the sudo command trigger a root password request ?


Set up a password for the tc user (type passwd)

--- Code: ---sudo visudo
--- End code ---
Look for the following line:

--- Code: ---tc     ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
--- End code ---
Change it to:

--- Code: ---tc     ALL=(ALL) ALL
--- End code ---

Make sure you add /etc/shadow and /etc/sudoers to your backup. /etc/group might be needed in your backup too, but I don't think it's necessary.

Whatever you do, don't manually edit /etc/sudoers. Visudo protects you somewhat against typos and errors in your sudoers file.

Thanks althalus

Your instructions are spot on :)

Not withstanding any syntax checks that it performs, does visudo actually -do- anything other than sudo some-other-editor would do?

I find that I'm more likely to foul something up due using anything "vi"-related than due to any obscure file syntax.  And the sudoers syntax doesn't look all that complex anyhow.

Then set your VISUAL or EDITOR variable to whatever editor you prefer.


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