Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions
ImageMagick Convert and Menu Issues
TC 4.7.5
Booted in cloud mode
Downloaded and installed ImageMagick.scm 6.7.3-2 2012/02/10
display filename.jpg shows the file OK, but after a single use of the im-right-click-menu (e.g. Image Info), neither it nor the im-left-click-menu works.
convert filename.jpg -resize 100x100 filename_resized.jpg
--- Code: ---convert: invalid argument for option `-resize': /mnt/sdb2/home/tc/100x100 @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2355.
--- End code ---
Not sure whether this is related
contains a reference to indentify should this be identify?
Neither the menu nor convert issues are present in ImageMagick.tcz 6.7.6-9 2013/04/22
Jason W:
Thanks, I will look into this today.
Jason W:
Fixed version uploaded.
--- Quote from: Jason W on May 19, 2013, 04:55:38 PM ---Fixed version uploaded.
--- End quote ---
Tested using fixed SCM.
Identify issue now works OK
Menu issue now works OK
Convert issue remains unresolved.
Convert Issue is not present in cuurent tcz version.
Command Issued
--- Code: ---convert image.jpg -resize 350x350 image_resized.jpg
--- End code ---
ImageMagick.tcz (Current version 6.7.6-9 2013/04/22)
Successfully outputs resized image
--- Code: ---convert -version
...6.7.6-9 2013-04-22...
--- End code ---
ImageMagick.scm (Current version 6.7.3-2 2012/02/10)
Fails with error message
--- Code: ---convert: invalid argument for option `-resize': /home/tc/350x350 @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2355.
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---convert -version
...6.7.3-2 2011-10-23...
--- End code ---
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