Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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I think we can drop the skype_installscript for tc2, until someone comes up with a missing dep or other fix to make the static binary work.   


--- Quote from: kerpob on May 18, 2009, 10:07:31 AM ---FLWM takes a bit of getting used to

--- End quote ---

Yes, I was perplexed for a half a minute or so, but no more than that. I had doubts about changing the default WM from JWM but, wow, as far as my early impressions go I must say I really like FLWM (and I've only been using it for half an hour now). Brave decision in a way, since FLWM doesn't provide a permanently on desktop "taskbar" which most have now become used to. However, the alternative "taskbar-like" functionality on right click saves so much screen real-estate with really no extra effort; I think its great! I particularly like the way one can adjust window sizes (wide and long etc) so easily.

I also rather like the left hand side menu bar (rather than at the top as is more conventional) but wonder if that position is in fact movable for those who would prefer it along the top? [EDIT: I checked the FLWM website and the answer to that seems to be no. However, I find myself preferring these side bars to a top bar anyway]


--- Quote from: Jason W on May 18, 2009, 12:49:55 PM ---Firefox, nfs-utils, getflash10.tcz also have menu issues.  I am aware of it and they will be fixed Wednesday when I get back in town

--- End quote ---

gnumeric also has menu issues. Right clicking and selecting Applications -> gnumeric wrongly points to: "Start_basic_firewall"

One thing I do miss with FLWM is the taskbar clock.


--- Quote from: mcewanw on May 18, 2009, 09:35:16 PM ---
gnumeric also has menu issues. Right clicking and selecting Applications -> gnumeric wrongly points to: "Start_basic_firewall"

--- End quote ---

That's because the menus were built for .jwm   I guess somebody changed it to the wrong app ..not me  :)

Edit: I just booted up without jwm, and the menu works fine. 

tc@box:/usr/local/tce.flwm$ vi gnumeric

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
exec /usr/local/bin/gnumeric

--- End code ---

is it possible to make a new tce for repair the flwm menu.
for example for OSS.tce or tcz we can make OSS-flwm-menu.tce or tcz.
It's for older application only, for new tce or tcz the menu must be already fixed for flwm.
If repackage the tce or tcz , it means i must re-download all tce or tcz that have menu at tcl ...


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