Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Core v4.7.7


Team Tiny Core announces Core v4.7.7, a minor adjustments release, is now available for x86.
See: http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html

Change log:

* Updated tc-terminal-server to remove offending option.
* Updated select to by pass a menu of only 1 item.
* Updated .profile and .ashrc to handle EDITOR env variable in both CLI and X.
* Updated tc-functions useBusybox added cat and sync.
Note: Files likely in your backup that need manual updating are:


Compare with new updated version in /etc/skel

Thanks for the update to core

Thanks robert.
Good job!

Bug report

Using components from mismatching versions of Syslinux, especially across major versions, is known to cause issues.  Is this being held off until 4.next (which is likely 5.0)?


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