so the boot code task goes something like this:
sudo chown -R tc:staff /mnt/sda2/boot
we don't want to be blocked from doing this by our own OS.make a backup copy
cp /mnt/sda2/boot/grub/menu.list /mnt/sda2/boot/grub/menu.lst-bak
ok, so now if I want my firefox and alsa to survive reboot,
should my kernel line have this:kernel /boot/vmlinuz quiet tce=sda2
or this?:kernel /boot/vmlinuz quiet tce=sda2 tce=home tce=opt
I think I may see the reasoning behind having multiple selections with differing boot codes. the NV selection is probably when you unplug the 19inch monitor and plug in the big screen ultra plasma. you probably have resolution of 5000x3000 enabled.

sudo su
umount /mnt/sda2
e2label /dev/sda2
(returns current value or blank line)
e2label /dev/sda2 Eric
e2label /dev/sda2
here you're verifying that the label 'Eric' took holdif you like the idea of using LABEL then download --as ondemand and load it ---e2fsprogs.tcz while using a live cd not hard drive
I know how to do this. follow this up with the blkid command to verify.
a label is a sort of 'name', if you will. it takes alot of the confusion away, instead of sda1 or sda2 (most confusing).
I think you can also use gparted to add a label.
what about the console subject? anything to add?what is that thing for?
thanks aus9. I think I will try that command-line install of 4.7.6 again tomorrow (the one where everything went wrong yesterday). when I do, I'll post about how it goes and I hope to hear your advice when you check into the site.