dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

Is deb2sce not uploaded yet?


I've been trying to put Tiny Core on an Allwinner tablet (specifically the pengpod), and while it boots I need to get wifi going. Using the old method I was able to do things, but since that time the instructions have changed and it says to use deb2sce. Unfortunately tce-load -w deb2sce returns a 404 error. Browsing through the tcz listings I don't see deb2sce anywhere. Not in arm, x86, or x86_64.

Am I just a little too early and they haven't been uploaded yet? Is there a place I can manually download them from?

tce-load -i deb2sce will work.

I need to make a .info file in order for tce to work.

Update: info created and now seen by tce and webpage
Also created info files for asix & usbnet which allows a usb ethernet dongle to be used for mk802 to use ethernet instead of wifi. Perhaps useful for tablet.

tce-load -i deb2sce
deb2sce.tcz not found!

Using app browser it doesn't show up in a search.

Given that I'm new to Tiny Core maybe I'm not looking in the right place? I just put x86 4.7.6 on a usb stick yesterday.

Browsing further I see it is in the armv7 tcz repo. I'm confused by how the armv7 readme says to invoke the command after booting into x86. I guess I'll stick to using import for now.

Ah, you are on x86. deb2sce is not in the x86 repository.
README-wifi.txt updated to reflect recent changes.


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