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Is the irc channel really that quiet?

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I often enter the #tinycorelinux channel just to talk about anything, read opinions,etc.   Simply to be more part in the community...

And its soo quiet. 20 users connected and no activity at all. Pretty disappointing.

That's a pretty negative interpretation.

A positive interpretation would be that if it is quiet in a tech support channel, then all is perfect and noone has any technical issues  ;)

BTW, I was kind of under the impression you would most of the times leave rather soon after joining.

hello friends,

i agree to tinypoodle:
the software is so well-designed and stable that there are actual no major issues to solve...
but it is expected that users use the provided advices from the forum and the wiki :-)
in the last two years i experienced so friendly helpers
that everything was answered in a target-orientated, profound way.

so pioj,
dig into the forum, ask in a friendly way and i am sure that you will experience a lively tiny-community :-)

keep on digging my friends.

wow, I think I've explained myself incorrectly.  :o

This has nothing to do with the support of Tinycore, which is excellent. 

It's usual for me to enter an IRC channel and expect 3-4 users to mantain a conversation almost every day.  So I meant this post to be kind of a motivation for other people to lose the fear and join the party.

--- Quote ---BTW, I was kind of under the impression you would most of the times leave rather soon after joining.
--- End quote ---
Totally true, but it's because I don't see any activity at all, so I'm supposing the channel is indeed empty or private.

I'm really sorry, guys. I didn't pretend to talk s**t about the support at all.  :-[

Is it quiet?  Often.  Do I have comments/questions to try to assist someone but read through and find they are not present (most often leaving rather hastily)?  Often.  Am I in rooms of 400+ that are sometimes quiet for hours?  Absolutely.

I know myself if I'm around and see something that I think I can answer, I try.


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