Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
I didn't spend a great deal of time on this, but fwiw/ never got this working no matter what prefs I set. It simply can't find a network, even when already connected. The kind of gui that tests for available networks (and devices), lets you choose one, and connects might be nice, but this ain't it (at least, not on my setup).
did u try the latest version of my package, which actually is a downgrade, cause I've used a modified version of wicd that works with udhcp.
I downloaded the version you replaced. DHCP is set (default) to automatic (recommended), but the other choices ...like dhcpcd don't seem to work either. It will actually interfere with my wired connection.
This extension derives from a .deb which is an hacked version of the original wicd, for interfacing with udhcpc that is in TCB.
Don't change the dhcp options.
This application should run out-of-the-box.
Not on my system....(dell laptop) running tc1.2. I haven't updated, since I'm mostly using tc2, if that's the issue.
Edit. I tried it on tc_1.4.2, which didn't help. If wicd is loaded, if have to "sudo udhcpc -i eth0" to get my wired connection going. I have to get out of wicd, though, because every time it retries the connection is lost.
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