Anyway , Onyarian - do you want to say that my password is improper . Had it been complicated enough the 'next' button shown in my screenshot would not remain grayed out ?
I don't know, but it works for me and my password has 26 letters, I tested with passwords of 8 letters and also works.
Or - is it that i should see if fuse , gtk2 , lvm2 are mounted OR all dependencies in your attached screenshot should be mounted ?
just check that truecrypt.dep has those three dependencies.
the screenshot simply reflects the remaining dependencies that are added with this three and it's extracted from the information given in AppsBrowser, I've put it here for you to check that all dependencies are correctly mounted.
Also /etc/group & /etc/sudoers shoud be same as quoted ?
I think it was discussed a while, the sudoers was to avoid having to enter the administrator password, if I remember, I found it googling and for this reason I have put it.
The last thing I can tell you is that you should check that dm_crypt and dm_mod are loaded in lsmod.
tc@ord:~$ lsmod
Module Size Used by Tainted: P
dm_crypt 16384 1
ipt_REJECT 12288 1
xt_state 12288 1
dm_mod 40960 3 dm_crypt
parport_pc 24576 0
parport 24576 2 ppdev,parport_pc
loop 16384 406
In summary, It really works for me for a long time, and I have tried to tell you all my settings to see if it works for you imitating it.
I don't know in what more can I help you. Hope that finally works!