Off-Topic > Off-Topic - Tiny Tux's Corner
At the Forum adviced me to post this in here...
Have a Compaq HP laptop with 512 MB of RAM, no hdd, can boot up from a Flash HDD (64 MB) containing DSL (FAT16) which is almost completely full. BonEcho is the browser coming with DSL but it's an old OS & can't be used with some of my favorite sites.
Does someone here knows enough of DSL from ver 2.4.* to 4.2.5 to guide me in upgrading or switching from FF to something more current? I d/l vers. 4.2.5 & 4.4.10 isos, how difficult it might be to update the OS itself? By doing the latter, can I solve/alleviate some of my issues?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Go ask in the DSL forum.
We only support Core here.
Uh, the forum description does say "Discussions regarding 'Leenooks' and other OS'es".
IMHO perhaps a bit a stretch from "Discussions regarding 'Leenooks'" to "Direct support request specific to alien distro" - and the thread topic doesn't really support the cause...
as long as you must stick to a dated system and if you must have bells and whistles browser support, you could try browsers which are relatively system agnostic, I could think of Opera or QtWeb.
If you like to try TinyCore we would love you dearly. But would you go to a Ford forum to ask about Holden? Go to where you will get correct help.
Its like me asking here for help to maintain my 6 pack of stomach muscles.......giggles
It is active good luck
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