General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Live CD with Programs
Again hello community,
I'd tried to made my own live CD with programms installed but I dont get the programms installed into the iso...
without installed programm only with files it's no problem
I'd found several tutorials like these:
[removed due to policy violation]/modified-cd.html
so I'd tried it that way:
sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp
sudo mount Core-current.iso /mnt/tmp -o loop,ro
sudo cp -a /mnt/tmp/boot /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/boot/core.gz /tmp
sudo umount /mnt/tmp
mkdir /tmp/extract
cd /tmp/extract
sudo zcat /tmp/core.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d
sudo depmod -a -b /tmp/extract 3.0.21-tinycore
tce-load -wi gzip
cd /tmp/extract
sudo find | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../mycore.gz
tce-load -wi mkisofs-tools.tcz
tce-load -wi brasero.tcz
tce-load -wi isomaster.tcz
cd /tmp
sudo mv mycore.gz boot
sudo mv boot/mycore.gz boot/core.gz
mkdir newiso
sudo mv boot newiso
mkdir newiso/tce/optional
tce-load -wi nano # thats the example for all programms....
sudo cp /tmp/tce/optional /tmp/newiso/tce/optional
sudo mkisofs -l -J -R -V TC-custom -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
-boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c boot/isolinux/ -o sfos.iso newiso
what did I do wrong?
in own tutoral it said that it should be in "optional" other said only "tce" I'm confused
Thank you in advance
Hi buggy
Have you tried using ezremaster.tcz
Having dirs called /tce/optional on an .iso seems to be looking for trouble, as tcedir must always be writable.
You might want to have a look at a CorePlus.iso to get an idea.
good idea ...
theres the the folder "cde" and so on... will look at this first
oke ... tried it but with no succeed
I'd tried it like I discriped on top
only without the path "newiso/tce/optional"
now I'd tried it like on CorePlus with "cde" folder,
and the "optional" folder which includes all tce etc... like the "newiso/tce/optional" before...
and now I'd added a "/newiso/cde/onboot.lst" and writed for example "nano.tcz" in it...
hope you have a second hint for me ;)
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