General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

Help with refinements please


I have created my own remaster which is basically CorePlus + IPTables + FireFox + OSS + Flash + VLC  + UK Keyboard.

I would like to make a few small refinements but I don't know how:
1) I'd like wbar at the top of the screen and the default icons & zoom slightly smaller than the default.
2) I'd like to change the default wallpaper.
3) I'd like the live CD to boot straight into openbox without showing the menu of options.

I know how to do the first two once CorePlus has loaded but I don't know how to make it stick as part of the remaster, as for item 3 I just don't have a clue  :-[

Oh, one more question: how do I tweak it so I can pop the CD out once the system has booted?

Thanks for any help.

for #1 & 2
When you have the system as desired, include the files into a backup, then add the backup into your remaster.  ezremaster makes this easy.
(You can also create an extension which include these files instead of the backup).

At a minimum you'll need these files, add other config files with personal settings as needed
(depending on your install it most likely will be found here:  /mnt/sda1/tce/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf )


As for #3
just make a new 'extlinux.conf' file with any desired boot codes, at a minimum include these entries as an example

LABEL core
KERNEL /tce/boot/vmlinuz
APPEND initrd=/tce/boot/core.gz loglevel=3

I find it best to create a remaster based on a working system in a Virtualbox VM, when every setting and feature runs as desired use ezremaster to make the iso.

Hi Steve

--- Quote ---Oh, one more question: how do I tweak it so I can pop the CD out once the system has booted?
--- End quote ---
Assuming you have enough RAM, create an empty file called  copy2fs.flg  in your  tce  directory.
If you don't have enough RAM, and just want access to the CD drive, make a bootable USB stick instead.


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