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TC Fails mid boot

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Ah well no luck here

I swapped out the mem module and tried "nozswap" to no avail, it just hangs on "setting language to C" after skipping the zswap!

Looks like the mb is fried, it's just annoying not being able to pinpoint the issue


I got Ubuntu working on this board no problem so still unsure as to why tiny stalls.
The board is an intel atom with Nvidia GT218 graphics but tiny doesn't even get that far, problem is I've turned on debug but thats the only info I can get & the boot stalls after "creating /etc/fstab" and "setting the language to C" with no further info.

Any help or ideas welcome  :(

Could you post your exact bootloader configuration?

Bootloader config

debug=on tce=sda1 home=sda1 noicons kmap=qwerty/uk

nothing special

Where did you get "debug=on" from?

My suggestion would be to try:

--- Code: ---debug loglevel=7 base norestore noicons
--- End code ---


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