dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
Consumer grade tablet w/TC-A10
does anyone currently use a consumer grade tablet which runs TC-A10. Ive wanted a tablet for a while and being able to boot TC would be a dream come true. im not worried about prices or complex setup just that there is ready made touch tablets which can boot TC.
If you mean touch interface, then no. And no plans to embiggen GUI to support touch.
If you mean boot Core and load/import some apps using a USB keyboard and mouse then yes.
I have experienced Core on the Hyundai A7HD. I also hear that the PengPod is able to Core.
Most any A10 tablet that can boot Linux from microSD card should be able to run Core.
--- Quote from: fmayhewubh on March 09, 2013, 01:16:58 PM ---does anyone currently use a consumer grade tablet which runs TC-A10. Ive wanted a tablet for a while and being able to boot TC would be a dream come true. im not worried about prices or complex setup just that there is ready made touch tablets which can boot TC.
--- End quote ---
You should be able to achieve mouse emulation through touch-screen on major A10 tablets. With debian that worked, never tried with TC. This is my tablet:
If you add an on-screen X keyboard emulator, you get almost full imput power.
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