General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

TCL on a pendrive to run an Asus EeePC 1000HA?

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Hi, tinypoodle.

--- Quote ---Addressing partitions from windows with dd is neither a usual way.
--- End quote ---

Someone in another forum talked me into trying it. However, they either weren't aware of the difficulties and dangers involved or just neglected to inform me. In either case, it hasn't worked and may have done dammage.

I have no one to blame but myself.



Hi, All.

Just a quick note to say that I have not left this thread nor given up on a pendrive installation. I just have to fix my leaky roof and my hot water heater (which blew up a week ago), as well as buy another pendrive.

I'll be back here as soon as my house problems are fixed (if I'm not flooded out first <grin>).




If you run Tiny Core on the new water heater, it will probably run faster, be less prone to malfunctions and have more room for the actual water.  You might want to look into the new water-resistant pendrives. (1)

I'm sure there's a Tiny Core  metaphor for the leaky roof, too.  :D

Good luck with the home repairs.  If you have kids, you might want to look into a "high recovery" water heater. (2)

(1) I made that up about the water resistant pendrive.
(2) That one's for real.

Hi, Lee.

Too bad about the water-resistant pendrives, they'd have sure been nice in this climate <grin>.

I might just try running the water heater with TCL. Plenty of room in one for a 4Gb RAM chip. I'm thinking a servo-controlled valve on the water intake.

No, no kids (that I know about) <big grin>.


Actually, the first pendrive I ever owned ( DaneElec 256 MB ) fell out of my pocket in my gravel parking area, in snow, experienced the great outdoors for over a month and got a small car and possibly a mini van parked on it several times and still worked.  I did have to do reconstructive surgery on the metal USB plug to be able to plug it in.  It died just a few weeks later, but by then I had all my data safely backed up to newer, bigger stick.

--- Quote ---Too bad about the water-resistant pendrives, they'd have sure been nice in this climate <grin>.
--- End quote ---

Which climate would that be?  To coin a phrase, "On the internet, no one knows you're Pittsburgher."    :)


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