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SpaceFM a file manager

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I get a menu entry under "Applications" but no icon appears on the wbar.  There are some icons included in the extension but I had to manually ad one to wbar.

I'd agree that the total size of the app, with dependencies, is a bit on the heavy side at 24.44 MB (vs 16.77 for pcmanfm2,  13.11 for emelfm2 and 4.43 for xfe).

It looks like the user interface will take some getting used to, too.  But if its really good it can be worth some baggage and some effort to learn.

hmm I never wbar as I use lxde, oops
to get it it looks like I might have to choose a diff icon pathway
I chose
echo 'X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/icons/Faenza/apps/48/SpaceFM.png' in my build script and maybe I should copy that 48 icon size into

I will test later thanks for reporting

You're welcome.  And thank you for your work on extensions.

I keep wanting to call this one "spacemanfm"!

wiki may be strongly worded stating

--- Quote ---The icon should be a 48×48 PNG, and the preferred location for storing icons is /usr/local/share/pixmaps/

--- End quote ---

but chromium (desktop)  uses X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/chromium-browser.png

and I used X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/icons/Faenza/apps/48/SpaceFM.png

and I have double-checked using mtpaint and it declares its a 48x48 and chromium is 64x64
---wbar displays chromium


anyone got a wbar icon where the tcz has a mixture of upper and lower case?


does the TCZ name need to match the icon name?

SpaceFM uses an icon for spacefm

I have got the menu licked, SpaceFM uses SpaceFM desktop

the specs page is not making it easy for a local village idiot

but it does say

--- Quote ---Case is significant everywhere in the file

--- End quote ---

but not what that truly means.

maybe I should rename my icons and remaster the tcz?


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