Off-Topic > SCM Extension Requests

Gnome-MPlayer Update Request


The version in the repo is v1.0.5 and has an issue which prevents it starting with the playlist open.  It was an early attempt at converting a pre-existing TCZ and it inherited the problem.

If possible rebuilding to v1.0.6 (current Debian version) would be preferred in order to avoid a regression in the recently released v1.0.7 as described in this post:,14751.0.html

I can try it when 1.0.8 will be out... (in about one week)


--- Quote from: AmatCoder on February 20, 2013, 04:35:57 PM ---I can try it when 1.0.8 will be out... (in about one week)

--- End quote ---
OK. Thanks for showing interest.  The SCM format will benefit from your involvement.


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