-I'm not clear what you mean by "boot remastered core.gz from a different boot medium".
Tried to install remastered TinyCore.iso to DVD, but DVD was not mountable.
Any boot medium other than pendrive, i.e. cd, hdd, netboot
You need to burn .iso as image to cd
-For some reason the old HP can no longer recognize the CD drive.
I installed the remastered iso to a usb hard drive.
The boot time for the usb hard drive was about the same 5 minutes as for the usb drive.
Hi newtotinycore
Why TinyCore is booted using USB 2 mode, while the remaster is booted using USB 1 is not clear to me.
I don't think that's the case. Look at the .gz file on your Tinycore USB drive. How does it compare in size to the
one on the remastered drive? It's probably a lot smaller, which is why it boots faster.
-good call, Rich.
The remastered core.gz is 69987623 bits vs 5385057; a thirteen fold increase.
When I mentioned 5 minute remaster boot time vs 30 sec for the original, I did not use a stopwatch.
I thought a remaster was like a carbon copy of the source system.
Guess I better do some reading on the TinyCore wiki to see what is going on.
Seems like the increased size of a remaster, could hamper the use of old machines.