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Long Boot Times after Remaster

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Hi newtotinycore

--- Quote ---Why TinyCore is booted using USB 2 mode, while the remaster is booted using USB 1 is not clear to me.
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I don't think that's the case. Look at the   .gz  file on your Tinycore USB drive. How does it compare in size to the
one on the remastered drive? It's probably a lot smaller, which is why it boots faster.


--- Quote from: tinypoodle on February 19, 2013, 10:04:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: newtotinycore on February 19, 2013, 07:17:05 PM ----I'm not clear what you mean by "boot remastered core.gz from a different boot medium".
Tried to install remastered TinyCore.iso to DVD, but DVD was not mountable.

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Any boot medium other than pendrive, i.e. cd, hdd, netboot

You need to burn .iso as image to cd

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-For some reason the old HP can no longer recognize the CD drive.
I installed the remastered iso to a usb hard drive.
The boot time for the usb hard drive was about the same 5 minutes as for the usb drive.

--- Quote from: Rich on February 19, 2013, 10:20:01 PM ---Hi newtotinycore

--- Quote ---Why TinyCore is booted using USB 2 mode, while the remaster is booted using USB 1 is not clear to me.
--- End quote ---
I don't think that's the case. Look at the   .gz  file on your Tinycore USB drive. How does it compare in size to the
one on the remastered drive? It's probably a lot smaller, which is why it boots faster.

--- End quote ---
-good call, Rich.
The remastered core.gz is 69987623 bits vs 5385057; a thirteen fold increase.
When I mentioned 5 minute remaster boot time vs 30 sec for the original, I did not use a stopwatch.
I thought a remaster was like a carbon copy of the source system.
Guess I better do some reading on the TinyCore wiki to see what is going on.
Seems like the increased size of a remaster, could hamper the use of old machines.


5 minutes sounds still very long for the bootloader to load around 70MB into RAM...
Try a boot method which leaves USB out of the equation?

BTW, a PC which can boot via USB2.0 ports can't be that old...

Hi newtotinycore
I haven't used ezremaster myself, but I'm guessing you used the  extract TCZ to initrd  option which is probably
why your  core.gz  grew to 66Mbytes.


--- Quote from: tinypoodle on February 20, 2013, 04:03:08 AM ---5 minutes sounds still very long for the bootloader to load around 70MB into RAM...
Try a boot method which leaves USB out of the equation?

-Good idea, unfortunately, I can not currently boot from CD or install to new HD.
 You're right about 5 minutes being a long time to load 70MB; a newer (4 years old) computer with an i5 processor, also using USB 2.0, only needs a second or two. Maybe it's the Pentium 4 processor, or maybe as Gerald Clark suggested, the BIOS prefers USB 1 for loading. There seem to be a number of BIOS issues that I've been unable to resolve.

BTW, a PC which can boot via USB2.0 ports can't be that old...

--- End quote ---

-8 or 9 years, isn't that considered ancient by today's standards?

--- Quote from: Rich on February 20, 2013, 10:16:17 AM ---Hi newtotinycore
I haven't used ezremaster myself, but I'm guessing you used the  extract TCZ to initrd  option which is probably
why your  core.gz  grew to 66Mbytes.

--- End quote ---

-You're right about me using 'extract TCZ to initrd', thanks for the tip; I'll try the other options.

The old HP might be running out of steam (so am I , actually), but with the help of Tiny Core and all you people on the forum, it's still useful,


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