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Do you know any distros that run XBMC?

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Do you know any distros that run XBMC?

I would much prefer to use xbmc on Tinycore but it simply does not work.

So, I've tried XBMCbuntu but due to having a brand new machine with windows 8, it does not work, I wish it did, but, it freezes at boot.

Point being, I need xbmc with a desktop as well.

Any ideas???

Thanks, George.

Check Openelec


Thanks for the reply ...

I would try openelec but for some odd reason I can not boot from usb, even after setting the usb boot option before hd in the bios.

It's a brand new computer that I bought yesterday. I've always had old computers, but I think that with windows8 new bios, I'm coming across difficulties booting all ubuntu based distros and I can not boot from usb even after setting usb boot option in the bios.

And AFAIK, Openelec only boots off of usb.

So, Openelec and xbmcbuntu are a no go, so far.

It's strange.

Uhmm... tried geexbox?
Not that I would know, in fact the introduction of xbmc is exactly what stopped me from continuing to use geexbox   >:(
Checking now before posting this, what I remember to be some cozy size of around 4MB once and for many years below 10MB at least, by now has become a 140MB  :o
Glad TC has evolved in the meantime...

Totally a stab in the dark from sheer ignorance, but could your boot problems be from this:

Sorry, beyond suggesting it as a possibility I don't have a clue how it works. Just something that came to mind when you said it was a brand new Windows box.

edit: More info here.


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