Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks

Browsing extension content with peazip

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While not automatically being recognized, after selecting Open as archive from context menu in peazip, the content of an extension can then seamlessly be browsed and further processed   8)

click on thumbnail for full size screenie


Soooo... I can't seem to get peazip.tcz to download.

Heh, I didn't claim any peazip extension was existing - all there is is an extension request from me dated from 2010  :P, but that extensions could be browsed with peazip  ;)
peazip is provided upstream in "portable" binaries form, choice of gtk2 or Qt version.


I'll have to try it out.  Coincidentally, I was just yesterday fooling around with a simple script to unpack and repack an extension.

Can peazip add to (or rebuild with additions) a squashfs file?

Old flnotify extension you have there, latest is from Jan 2013 ;)


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