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Run virtual linux for USB or Dropbox with no install on OS X, PCs or Linux
Hello everyone. I have had an on and off pet project over the years, connecting a few dots that I haven't seen anyone connect yet—like Tiny Core Linux does in other ways. Anyway, the result is a file you can download, unzip and double-click to get a persistent Micro Core Linux from the desktop on a Mac, Windows or other Linux machine. No intall nor admin privileges are necessary on the host machine. It works well from USB.
Levinux also works particularly well with Dropbox, so even if you have a PC at work, a Mac or Linux machine at home, just fire-up your VM from out of your Dropbox, and there's the exact environment you left. I'm planning on making this a general Linux server learning platform for n00bs, walking them through SSH'ing in for the first time, creating a file, and reaching it from localhost:8080 on the host computer's browser, and so on.
Anyway, if this piques anyone's interest, you can download it from
Nice one, thanks, might be really handy...
Where is the source?
I'm documenting where the binaries came from. They are the most common of all QEMU binaries. The Mac one is the Q project, latest stable (ancient). The PC one is from that Japanese site links to (I'll update the README.txt) and the Linux one is from an Ubuntu apt-get command. I didn't compile my own binaries, because after many, many, many attempts I couldn't get something as stable, small, few dependencies as these very popular binary distributions. The source isn't included with Levinux because I'm trying to keep it to around 15MB, and I just haven't gone collecting it up for all these older version QEMU binaries. On my roadmap is either updating the binaries, or more fully documenting the ones I'm using and why.
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