dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore Armv7
Running TinyCore on Cortex-A9?
I have just found out about the ODROID-U2 which has a quad core ARM Cortex-A9 processor (Samsung Exynos Prime i.e. same as in galaxy S3). http://www.hardkernel.com/renewal_2011/products/prdt_info.php. They ship with android on it but that is a little restrictive for my purposes.
I am happy with a microcore environment running standard server stuff (e.g. nodejs / apache / nginx / firewall /ssh / sqlite). I could use wired network and just console / ssh so no need for 3D graphics or audio support or even a desktop. I see there is an Arm V7 and Arm V6 port and don't know exactly how that would relate to an A9 processor. Odroid have instructions on building a linux kernel (http://dev.odroid.com/projects/linux) and have ubuntu running on it as well.
My question is would this be a many months project to get tinycore and some modules working or is it relatively simple? I guess my worry would be that there could be driver issues with the networking hardware or something like that stopping any practical use of the kit until it is fixed and I don't really have much knowledge of things at that level of the OS.
With this kind of hardware and tinycore combined I can run an optimised web application together with database entirely in memory which offers incredible performance and reliability in a micro package so the kit becomes very attractive.
The binaries will run, you "just" need a kernel and a bootloader for your board.
Great thanks for the help. Since they can supply a bootable sd-card with ubuntu on it I can just add the tinycore files to the sdcard and then modify the startup to boot into tinycore so I can get going quickly. They also detail how to build the kernel yourself on a ubuntu machine and then flash it to the sdcard.
This could be a fun project!
Any news about the test? Did you succeded? I have a arm7 Cubox (armada510c) so I'd may apply the same method to the device and this platform too.
I have the device now, had to wait a month for it to arrive from china! Unfortunately I have been very busy on another project so have not had much time to play around. I have managed to build a kernel and minimal system with busy box using buildroot and a cross compiler. From what I hear from other ports the tricky thing is to get u-boot to boot the board with the initial root file system containing tinycore -- rather than switching root to a filesystem as most linux distros do. I have not yet attempted to do that part yet and will need help to get it working.
Tinycore seems ideal for all of these arm boards that are being released so if we document the porting process then hopefully it can get easier to do.
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