Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
How To Create TinyCore CD / CorePlus CD
Hi all;
Under "Frugal Install Tiny Core Linux", it says I need a CorePlus CD (tinycorelinux.net/install.html ). How do I create this CD? I downloaded TinyCore (12 MB) (tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html). I unpacked/unzipped it and burnt it to a CD. When I try to boot up from that CD, my old Windows XP still boots. I went into the BIOS and made sure it is set to boot from CD first.
Don't know where I messed up,
Hi Binky
The CorePlus ISO can be found here:
--- Quote ---I unpacked/unzipped it and burnt it to a CD.
--- End quote ---
Huh? You don't unpack/unzip it. This is an ISO file. Google how to burn an ISO for your burning software.
Thank you.
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