Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
How do I remove WBar from CorePlus?
Hey, I've chosen to install a new Desktop Environment and file manager and I'm struggling to figure out how to remove the wBar from CorePlus, I really don't want to have to install just the CORE of tinycore as I don't have any available wired connection ports left as my family uses them all. So my laptop is wireless...
Here's what my desktop looks like at the minute, with the Enlightened D.E...
Hi DarkHearted
Nice tie. Check the onboot.lst file in your tce directory. Remove the line that reads wbar.tcz, then reboot.
Use the noicons boot code.
Thank you for the Prompt reply 'Rich'.
I've just removed it and about to test if it works.
- Dark :)
This is nice. I'm quite a fan of E17.
. . . is that Eminem? :)
You could uninstall wbar too, I think.
Apps --> Dependencies and Deletions --> wbar --> Mark for deletion
^not sure if that's completely accurate as I typed that from memory only, but that's more or less it.
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