Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Core v4.7.4

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Team Tiny Core announces Core v4.7.4, a minor adjustments release, is now available.
See: http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html

Change log:

* Updated rebuildfstab to exclude LVM2 members
* Updated select to handle no items from pipe.
* Updated tc-functions getMirror to optionally specify build type.

This should be a transparent change for all exising ports.
New images for Arm ports will be posted shortly and announced in their respective sections.

Greetings to the TinyCore Team,
actually I did not find a TinyCore/CorePlus iso-image with Version 4.7.4 in the filename.
Instead I found   core.gz   and   vmlinuz   under 'Release Candidates'.

I have a pendrive, bootably prepared with Version 4.7.3 and some extensions and data.
Within its   Boot/   directory I first deleted the old   core.gz
Then I added the downloaded   core.gz   
and also replaced vmlinuz in the same two-step way.

Then I checked it on a laptop: it works fine.

This is a fast way to also update the core of a pendrive installation, if the AppBrowser indicates a newer core version, no need to repeat the whole installation procedure every times.

Great thanks for this tiny system!

Release Candidates are not the current release.
Please use: http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/release/
Which is available on the Downloads page.

Removed piCore-X from regular download page. Will find out during the weekend how how to add it as a reelase candidate (not a technical but a WEB design question)


--- Quote from: chattrhand on January 25, 2013, 06:22:54 AM ---Greetings to the TinyCore Team,
actually I did not find a TinyCore/CorePlus iso-image with Version 4.7.4 in the filename.
Instead I found   core.gz   and   vmlinuz   under 'Release Candidates'.

I have a pendrive, bootably prepared with Version 4.7.3 and some extensions and data.
Within its   Boot/   directory I first deleted the old   core.gz
Then I added the downloaded   core.gz   
and also replaced vmlinuz in the same two-step way.

Then I checked it on a laptop: it works fine.

This is a fast way to also update the core of a pendrive installation, if the AppBrowser indicates a newer core version, no need to repeat the whole installation procedure every times.

Great thanks for this tiny system!

--- End quote ---
If you look in http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/release/distribution_files/
 to get core.gz and vmlinuz then you will have the lastest release.


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