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5th grade teacher - need help to bypass windows SystemCed problem - use TC?

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I'm a 5th grade teacher that bought 33 laptops for my students 7 years ago (used - all I could afford.)  Currenly, some are getting "systemCed error" because the system file in an NTFS drive = E:\winnt\system32\conf\system  is corrupted.  I could not find a way to copy over a good one at boot time before windows started (that would be nice but no go.)  Now I have to take out the disk, place it in a usb adapter on another computer and copy a good "system" over the corrupted one.  So I thought TinyCore could be used to do this:  1. always load it when power is turned on.  2. have TinyCore run an automatica script (bat file) using TinyCore's  command line to copy E:\winnt\system32\confg\mysystem  to  E:\winnt\system32\config\system.  3. then automatically  leave Tinycore and automatically launch windows 2000.

Is this feasible?  If so, would someone walk me through: 1 Placing TinyCore in E:\Utl\TinyCore, 2. creating that script file, and 3. changing the window's boot ini to launch TinyCore.  I know nothing about linux but willing to give it a shot.

hi samjohn,

why do you want to copy that file at boot time?
i suggest to copy a functional file to the windows-ntfs-partition with the help of a livecd-linux f.e. tinycore.
at first rename the corrupt file, afterwards copy the alternative, new file at the same place.
usually ntfs-partitions are mounted read-only.
the package ntfs-3g helps to mount with write-modus.
f.e. windows on /dev/sda1
sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

perhabs i could give you some hints for a solution.

This specific issue is documented here with fixes

hi samjohn,

a different approach could be to clone a functional system over damaged ones,
based on ntfsprogs.tcz

you could make images in a file:
ntfsclone --save-image --output win_c.ntfsclone /dev/hda1

this images can be used to clone other machines:
ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 win_c.ntfsclone

this could be also done in a zipped image:
ntfsclone --save-image -o - /dev/hda1 | gzip -c > win_c.ntfsclone.gz
gunzip -c win_c.ntfsclone.gz | ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 -

backup over remote host:
ntfsclone --save-image --output - /dev/hda1 | gzip -c | ssh host 'cat > win_c.ntfsclone.gz'
restore over remote host:
ssh host 'cat win_c.ntfsclone.gz' | gunzip -c | ntfsclone --restore-image --overwrite /dev/hda1 -

there are so many ways to find a solution.

Thanks for the suggestions:
Why do I want to copy file at boot time?
It needs to be automatic since their are 33 students in the room and I can't stop teaching when the student sees "SystemCED" error.  I already clone with Mclone (a multicasting way - and very nice too) but I can't stop in the middle of the class to do that.

Thanks Codeplayer2 but that requires my intervention in the middle of teaching the class - Actually, I have a better way than that support doc suggests:  Take the disk out of the laptop, use a usb adapter, and copy my system files over the ones there.  Place the disk back into the laptop and all works.

Thanks netnomad for your first suggestion - that is along the lines but I know nothing about linux and pretty good around windows as I have written a lot of bat files/vba code to build all the automation in the classroom.  Also, I already clone with Mclone (a multicasting way - and very nice too) but I can't stop in the middle of the class to do that.

 What I need is for someone to help my classroom by building a script to automate the process.  First, I think I could figure out how to install TC on the hard disk in the folder I have in my original post as well as change the boot.ini to automatically load TC.  Than the script would take over:   
1. Boot into TC command mode, hopefully nothing is displayed on the screen in this entire process
2. copy my system file over the existing file (even if it is ok since this script will run every time the laptops are powered up.
3. leave TC and start windows (or if have to, stay in TC and launch windows.)  Hopefully, TC is OK with just powering down without closing TC.

I just don't think I have the Linux experience and time away from teaching to learn how to build that script - Hopefully, someone has the knowledge to make those commands in the script work.



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