The decentralized distribution philosophy of zero install seems to be at odds with the tightly controlled philosophy of Core, where links to extensions outside of the repo are not allowed.
One could see a parallel with perl's CPAN... And e.g. literal links show up in Rox Filer when clicking on certain buttons.
Perhaps I misunderstood the intentions of the poster though. I did not read it as a request for an extension so much as an invitation discuss the philosophy, and I thought that fit better in the lounge.
Given that I had read the post shortly after it appeared, I had assumed a not very specific/targeted extension request, but that based on subforum posted in.
In hindsight I have to admit that would I have read the post after it had already been moved, I might have looked at it in the same way as you did, gerald_clark.
I guess we were both filling the blanks the OP left about his intentions from a different angle.