Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Core v4.7.2
Merry Christmas m8 and thanks for your great work.
I agree, Merry Christmas to all and thank you so much for tinycore :)
Sorry all. move it to Q&A
The only one has problem with this version?
1. Can not auto load extensions in tce/optional folder. After boot extensions can manually be loaded by tce-load -i. If I change back 4.7.1, it works again.
2. Can not run sudo, it says: sudo: must be setuid root
works for me, can you confirm you have the recent 4.7.2 by checking its md5sum please?
2) and post the output (I googled it) for this command and I show my 4.7.2 results
--- Code: ---ls -l $(which sudo)
(not OP but my output)
---s-wx--x 1 root staff 127144 Dec 8 2011 /usr/bin/sudo
--- End code ---
also I can run $ sudo su
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