dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10
Successful Allwinner Imports (EDITx1)
This is where I miss the logic, small browsers that require a mountain of deps ! Take for example uzbl @ 140k but requires more than 55MB of deps to function ?
or am I missing something ?
While I prefer small, clean applications, browsers are different. If you need a usable browser which works in a real world and sued not only to read HTML doc files or dedicated text browser friendly geek blogs, you need it. On the other hand, when you are inserting a 4G SD card and extensions are mounted, 50MB is not a high price. SD card is cheap. What you can't expand and is short is the RAM.
At least in the present case, the "small" browsers are easier to implement, as their deps, if missing, can be run down with a bit of work. The big commercial browsers are much more opaque and it will take someone with more insight than I to get them going.
In general, I find the small browsers more satisfying to use, as the big names seem to get bogged down in their own chrome, plugins and databases. Some of the "stuff" can be shut off, but some can't. Must agree, though, that claims that the small browsers are closer to some ideal "unix philosopy" seem pretty dodgy to me.
I guess I hexed myself talking about big commercial browsers just now, as I was just able to "import" and run Debian 'firefox'
The trick is the "tce-load -ic iceweasel/iceweasel.tcz" command...the beast appears to expect to be loaded as-is into the file system.
The trick of importing iceweasel (firefox) and loading with tce-load -ic iceweasel
works for libreoffice (openoffice)...another surprising outcome. No further script is necessary to run. Just:
import libreoffice
tce-load -ic libreoffice/libreoffice.tcz
This won't leave much memory, so it would be prudent to have swap available. It will only run at a respectable speed if the cpufreq is set high ("performance" governor or a specific high GHz), but it does run, make spreadsheets and graphs, etc.
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