Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

piCore repository moved away from ibiblio

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OK thanks! Sounds good.

My first projekt with RaspberryPi and piCore is a small, quiet and low power wireless webserver. I dont have access to wired lan, thats why the need for wifi. Because RPi is a minimalistic computer and piCore likewise very small os I thought they would be perfect together.


--- Quote from: falcon on December 01, 2012, 04:02:54 AM ---OK thanks! Sounds good.

My first projekt with RaspberryPi and piCore is a small, quiet and low power wireless webserver. I dont have access to wired lan, thats why the need for wifi. Because RPi is a minimalistic computer and piCore likewise very small os I thought they would be perfect together.

--- End quote ---

Please continue WiFi related discussion the relevant topic:


First mirror added, hosted in the Netherlands by GoDaddy. Install or update mirrors.tcz to have up to date mirror list.

BTW, mirrors welcome. :)


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