Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Core v4.7.1

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Core v4.7.1 is now posted. This is a minor bug fix and adjustments release.

Change log:

* Updated Apps GUI to fix missing buttons on Selective Copy to File System.
* Updated tce-load - added -f option to force overwrite of existing items. Use with caution.
* Updated tc-functions - added support for arm builds.
* Updated tce - cleanup display when no .dep or .tree files exist.
* Updated ondemand - try to execute already loaded CLI items.
Note: Requires updated Xprogs.tcz

Special Note: Because of the situation on ibiblio, no available disk space. I am forced to host these files elsewhere. I understand that it will not be as easy or convenient to upgrade. It is beyond our control if or when the ibiblio matter is resolved. Your understanding and patience is appreciated.

The files are available at: http://code.google.com/p/tinycore-x86/downloads/list

I appreciate the team has a number of issues regarding the repository

any chance that when you get some spare time, the google site includes some md5sums please?

and extra request, because I am selfish, any chance you could upload the core and kernel and their md5sums as well?

thanks heaps

Core and kernel are in the iso.  Just mount it.

For ease of upgrading, I have posted the kernel and core.gz.

thanks heaps


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