... is particularly important for TinyCore - obviously!
Assume you want to be able to plug a USB-hdd and use a FIXED script
which does `chroot` to the USB-hdd's partition labeled: "Toshi3".
] Since the USB devices re-allocate the sdX amongst themselves
] in differnt ways, it take a big job for each new re-boot to
] find out how to access the different devices:partitions.
>] Try: blkid /dev/sd*
# blkid | grep Toshi3 ==
/dev/sdc3: LABEL="Toshi3" UUID="ae678dbe-0f5c-4a2f-9c91-86b1e1c4700a"
SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" PARTUUID="b20ab9d1-03"
# mount LABEL="Toshi3" /mnt/Toshi3
mount: mounting LABEL=Toshi3 on /mnt/Toshi3 failed: No such file or directory
# ls /mnt/T*
Actually, this is not surprising; since NORMALLY I can't mount.
unless I try CLI & try mountTool & try CLI. Ie. 3 <calls>.
Let's see how it is with TC's stik, which does not connect via.
a USB-extender.
That needs a reboot, since TC can't do:
lsof | grep sdb1
to find which pid is holding sdb1: the only unmountable device not
connected via the USB extender.
OK! Let's try the Laptops M$:partition
# mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/sda4
mount: mounting /dev/sda4 on /mnt/sda4 failed: Invalid argument
# ls /mnt/sda4
# blkid | grep sda4
/dev/sda4: UUID="B268042D6803EF43" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Basic data partition"
It would mount if I first used the <mounTool>
This is a big problem for me.