Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
midnight commander - every action is journaled in .bash_history
hi friends,
i use extensively the midnight-commander in the bash started in aterm.
unfortunately every single action in the midnight-commander is included in my ~/.bash_history:
PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd>&8;kill -STOP $$'
cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057tc'`"
cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057tc\0057\0056fluxbox'`"
cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057tc'`"
cd "`printf "%b" '\0057home\0057tc\0057\0056gconf'`"
so the real important commands are hidden or lost in the bash-history :(
what would you recommend to get rid of that "feature"?
thank you for your help.
Hi netnomad,
A quick google search turns up this debian bug report, specifically:
--- Quote ---Here a citate of README.Debian (please read it before filling bugs):
- In order to get rid of the commandline history to be full with cd commands
from the both boxes set this environment variable:
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
This is a issue of bash, not of mc. This would fix it.
--- End quote ---
(Note: I didn't test that it actually works)
hi althalus,
thanks a lot, it works!
by the way,
could you help me with HISTSIZE, too?
i wasn't able to extend it from 500 to 1000, yet :(
source /usr/local/etc/bashrc
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
export HISTSIZE=1000
thank you for your help.
Hi netnomad
Maybe try adding it to .profile?
hi rich,
.profile has no effect for this issue,
only the entry in .bashrc has any effect.
by the way,
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups,erasedups
has no effect, too.
does someone know whether the syntax
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups,erasedups
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
is the correct entry?
this is the last version of my
source /usr/local/etc/bashrc
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth,erasedups
export HISTSIZE=1000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
thank you for your contributions.
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