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Author Topic: Core-4.5.6: Storing 32-bit and 64-bit versions does not boot properly on reboot  (Read 4758 times)

Offline teagy

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When I was transitioning my 32-bit Core kernel to 64-bit (Core64.gz and vmlinuz64), I noticed an odd behavior. I had placed the new files in /mnt/sda1/boot, but I kept the 32-bit ones in the same directory with the following grub menu config:

Code: [Select]
default 0
timeout 10
title MicroCore64
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz64 quiet tce=sda1 opt=sda1 home=sda1
initrd /boot/core64.gz

title MicroCore32
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz quiet tce=sda1 opt=sda1 home=sda1
initrd /boot/core.gz

So after setting this up, I rebooted (via sudo reboot) and selected the MicroCore64 boot, but it dumps a bunch of memory and says "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!". However, since I'm running Core in VMWare Workstation, when I reset (or poweroff and turn back on) and select the Core64 boot option, it boots fine. This behavior only occurred when I rebooted with the TCL reboot command. I thought maybe there was an issue with having the same versions in the same boot directory, but when I removed the 32-bit Core.gz and vmlinuz from the same boot directory, rebooting with the command still gave that error. This only happens with the 64-bit version of Core and vmlinuz. It was working fine if I reset the VM and could select Core32 or Core64 and they would boot fine. It's only when I used reboot command. I wasn't sure if this was a bug.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 02:30:48 PM by teagy »

Offline gerald_clark

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Try it on real iron.  I suspect vmware.

Offline teagy

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Ah ha. You're right. It was VMWare. I switched to VirtualBox and had no problems.

Offline webb

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I get the same "Fixing recursive fault" error preventing successful startup into 64 bit tinycore on physical hardware (no vm).

lenovo thinkpad t510 4-core i7 2.67 GHz

Linux thinki 3.0.21-tinycore #3021 SMP Sat Feb 18 11:54:11 EET 2012 i686 GNU/Linux


Offline curaga

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If the kernel is buggy on your hardware, you can always try a newer one ;)
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline Rich

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I once received that error on a machine that had a faulty memory SIMM.

Offline webb

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rich & curaga,

thanks for the suggestions. would either of you care to enable my pathological laziness with a ram test program or a drop-in newer 64-bit kernel :)

many thanks,

Offline Rich

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Hi webb
You could try burning a memtest CD from here:

Offline webb

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it's not the memory